See our calendar for upcoming events, Shabbat and Weekday service times.
Livestream High Holiday Services Online
Sign up to Read Torah or Haftorah
Parashat Hashavua—Thursdays at 1:30pm on Zoom
Open Beit Midrash Intensive—Tuesdays at 7:30pm in the Den
SMART—Mondays at 11:00am on Zoom
No meeting 10/14
Silver Sneakers—Tuesdays at 10:00am in the Fayer (Resumes after the holidays)
Sisterhood ➤
Zoom for Bagels & Books, Book Club
Canasta—Mondays at 1:00pm in the Den
Mah Jongg—Tuesdays at 1:00pm in the Den
All Shabbat services are in person and online via livestream. For start time on a specific date, visit our calendar.
In order to ensure that we always have a minyan, we encourage you to sign up if you plan to attend.
For up-to-date minyan times, visit our calendar. Sign up for minyan here. All weekday minyanim are available via Zoom (Meeting ID: 982 8992 3349; Password: bethel; Dial-in: +1 929 436 2866).
Tot Shabbat (0-5) is an exciting way for our tots to begin to learn the service through song, prayer, stories, and games. Parents must attend with their children. A snack is provided. This service begins at 10:30 am.
Mini Minyan (K-3rd Grade) is a participatory service that engages children in early elementary school on Shabbat and holiday mornings. Filled with prayers, songs, discussions, and interactive games. This service begins at 10:30 am.
Parsha Club (4th-6th Grade) is an opportunity for older elementary students to engage in rich and fun conversations and activities about the Torah portion. This service begins at 11 am.
Teen Service (7th-12th grade) is planned, facilitated, and run by teens periodically throughout the year. This service incorporates ruach (spirit) and familiar tunes, providing an engaging Shabbat experience. Check our calendar to see when teens have a sicha (conversation) about relevant topics and for other teen takeover opportunities in our services. Teens also have Shabbat services & dinner together on Friday nights throughout the year. Teens are always encouraged to participate in services in the main sanctuary. Click here to sign up to read Torah or Haftarah. Service times can vary, so please check our calendar for time