There is a teaching in Jewish tradition that the world exists because of the breath of children engaging in Jewish life. This is certainly true at Beth El, where children gleefully race down our halls, dance with Torahs, and sing beloved Jewish songs and prayers. Our youth and family programming is designed to help Beth El families find joy, meaning, and connection in their Jewish and social lives. From playground hangouts to special Havdalah parties, we are eager for you to be part of our Youth and Family community.
Our programming designed for kids (and their families) is a crucial component of our Beth El community. We come to celebrate Jewish moments, make new friends (and connect with old friends), spend time with our Beth El family, and have FUN! Our programs take place both at Beth El and off-site, and include weekday programs, weekend programs, Shabbat programs and holiday programs. For more information and to get involved, contact Alyssa at
Tot Shabbat meets every Saturday and on Jewish holidays at 10:30. This service is geared towards kids under 5 and their families. We joyfully sing, pray, dance and celebrate Shabbat together weekly! Tot Shabbat and Mini Minyan may be combined during holiday weekends.
Mini Minyan is our “next step” and meets every Saturday and on Jewish holidays at 10:30. This service is geared towards early elementary-aged children, approximately kindergarten to third grade. Family attendance is encouraged but optional. In Mini Minyan, we focus more on prayers, discussion and stories, and our children love helping to lead the prayers they know! Mini Minyan and Tot Shabbat may be combined during holiday weekends.
Geared towards our older elementary schoolers, approximately fourth through sixth grade, Parsha Club meets on the first Shabbat of each month at 11:00. Parsha Club focuses more in-depth on leading prayers found in the Shabbat service, and includes a relevant, parsha-themed discussion. On other weeks and during Jewish holidays, kids in this age group are invited to join the clergy and/or Alyssa in Torah or holiday-related discussions.
Join us for our annual Youth & Family Shabbat! We invite children and families of all ages, stages, and schools to join us at Beth El. Shirateinu performs on Friday night during our extra-kid-friendly services and Shabbat dinner, and our Teens takeover Shabbat morning services on Saturday–filling every role from announcing pages to reading Torah to giving the sermon!. We also include an educators’ panel during Kiddush luncheon and invite representatives from a variety of local Jewish day schools to join our community for this special Shabbat.
We love having our children participate in Shabbat services all year long! Children are always welcome to attend services, and as they get older, they can begin leading prayers such as Ashrei, Ein Keloheinu, Aleinu, Anim Zemirot and Adon Olam. Cantor Gaby has been working to prepare our kids, and they are starting to lead with more frequency. If you’d like your child to sign up, please be in touch with Cantor Gaby.
Our Religious School is for K-7th graders who do not attend a full-time Jewish day school. Our program meets on Sunday mornings and Thursday afternoons during the school year. We focus on Jewish holidays, Torah stories, Hebrew reading and Tefillah, Israel, mitzvot and Jewish values, and general Jewish life in our weekly sessions. We also include time with our art teacher and Shinshinim (teen Israeli emissaries), as well as Tefillah with Cantor Gaby and Shirateinu (children’s choir–see below) with Music Director Jack Klebanow. In addition to our experienced teaching staff of classroom teachers, we also have multiple learning and behavior specialists on staff to support our learners’ diverse needs.
As your child approaches their b’nei mitzvah celebrations at Beth El, 6th graders and their parents/guardians participate in our BE Mitzvah Experience. These sessions are led by the Beth El clergy team and focus on exploring Jewish values as a family, developing connections as a cohort, and cultivating relationships with the clergy.
Roughly once per month, we bring our youth community together for a special program! These include fun activities such as apple picking, visiting a petting zoo, Hanukkah Day of Chesed, ice skating, our Purim Carnival, and more!
WJBL runs a fall/winter basketball league for 5th-12th graders. Our current team is for 5th & 6th graders from within and beyond the Beth El community. They play weekly games with one weekly practice, and the team is focused on recreational skill-building, sportsmanship, and building community. Noah Kolodny and Talya Cohen are our volunteer coaches. If you are interested in learning more, or want to explore starting a team for older players, please be in touch!
Shirateinu is our children’s choir open to all children in K-5 at Beth El! They perform at various synagogue events, including Youth & Family Shabbat, Purim megillah reading, and various Havallah/concert programs throughout the year. Shirateinu rehearses on Sunday mornings, and all Religious School learners in grades K-5th participate weekly. If your child would like to join Shirateinu and does not attend Religious School, they are welcome and invited! Please email Jack Klebanow for more information!
Beth El Nursery School establishes a foundation for learning in a warm and nurturing environment for children ages 18 months to 4 years old and their families. Our program, which is inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education, is an interconnected web of practices anchored by our understanding of children as being eager to explore and learn, competent and resourceful, ready to collaborate, and full of wonder and delight.
Beth El day camp offers campers fun-filled days, memories, and friendships. An authentic summertime experience in a safe and caring Jewish environment for children ages 2-12. Our mission is simple, teaching positive values and traditions, physical, social, and emotional growth for every child.