

Looking for volunteering opportunities to make a difference? This is your chance to get involved!

Beth El is always on the lookout to strengthen the ways we act as a community of care, not just for our own membership but also for the broader communities in which we find ourselves.

Here are three ways you can make a solid impact on our world:

  • Social action – Community-led organizing that addresses some of the problems affecting the broader community. (e.g. cooking and breakfast distribution with HOPE Community Services, food/clothing drives, organizing Midnight Runs, Refugee resettlement support, etc.). To learn about current volunteer opportunities with HOPE, click here.
  • Chesed – Community-led efforts to support Beth El members and their families. (e.g. bikkur holim/visiting the sick, support groups, meal trains for new parents, emergency childcare relief, grocery shopping, and more.)
    To learn more about current bikkur holim opportunities, click here.
  • Community-building programs – Events and programs that are fun, interactive, and create new and meaningful ways for our community members to form social connections.

Beth El relies on volunteers to ensure a wide and rich array of programming, and the very act of volunteering, especially for important community improvement projects like the ones listed above, is often its own great award. So please consider lending a hand! If you would like to get more involved at Beth El, or are looking for additional information, contact Stephanie Lederman, our Director of Programming, at slederman@bethelnr.org.