To join the Minyan Zoom, you must be logged in to a Zoom account with your name and email address. Click here to join us by Zoom.
In order to ensure that we always have a minyan, we encourage people to sign up.
To attend in person, we encourage people to sign up below.
If you have any questions about minyan, please contact Cantor Gaby at
All of our daily minyanim are in person, according to the schedule below.
Shacharit at 7:00am Monday to Friday and Sunday at 8:15am, unless otherwise noted. On National holidays, we meet at 8:15 am.
Mincha & Maariv Times vary every day. See below for upcoming service times.
Shabbat & Holiday services are in person. You may also click here to join us by livestream. Shabbat and Holiday services begin at 9:00 am each morning. Mincha and Maariv times vary throughout the year.
Traditional in tempo and cadence, permeated with warmth and caring, Beth El’s daily prayer service offers a valuable respite from the worries and pressures of the world. It also can provide time for self-reflection. Even if you have never worn a tallit or tefillin (prayer shawl or prayer boxes), or you are unfamiliar with the prayers, we will help you feel at ease. Give yourself a gift and join us. It is time well spent.
According to Jewish tradition, it is forbidden to live in a town that does not have a doctor or a daily prayer quorum (minyan). This teaches us the sanctity of our physical and our spiritual well being. Beth El is proud that its egalitarian minyan meets twice a day for Shacharit, Mincha, and Maariv every single day of the year. The people who comprise our minyan range from those observing yahrzeit or the year of mourning for a parent, to “regulars” who carve time from their daily routine to commune with God and other members of our community. Many people from Southern Westchester join us for our minyan, and we welcome all who need a minyan for kaddish or who are looking to pray in a community.
Want a resource to help you better understand and connect with minyan? Click here for our daily minyan guide.